Firmly committed to the issue of sustainable development, the Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN) is an organization of Quebec trade unions that deploys its efforts on the labour front, by defending and promoting the rights and interests of workers, and through political action in the ultimate aim of furthering human and social rights.

Through its actions, the CSN constantly strives to foster the harmonious economic, social and environmental development of Quebec. Its strategies seek to improve working conditions, social programs and government services; stimulate job creation; promote environmentally-responsible regional development; bring about better living conditions for the population; reduce socioeconomic disparities; and ensure a more equitable distribution of the collective wealth.

The CSN has been behind the establishment of numerous economic development institutions, among them the Caisse d’économie solidaire, Bâtirente and Fondaction, a network that promotes sustainable, concerted and socially-responsible development through employment, economic democratization and the use of pooled savings.

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