Congress Program

The Congress program is available in two formats : PDF and interactive.

The 5th World Environmental Education Congress is designed to involve attendees directly in the process of environmental education by tackling real world issues in concert with players from around the globe. In this manner we will move to prepare the next generation of environmental citizens, in view of developing a population capable of making informed decisions regarding their personal well-being and that of all peoples on this, the planet Earth, our common home.

The program of the 5th World Congress will include invited speakers and guests of worldwide renown. A broad range of topics relevant to Environmental Education will be broached, each under their respective thematic niches, covering connected issues of health, economy, society, schools and universities, heritage, ethics, identity and indigenous practices.

International socio-scientific experts will be gathering to present their ideas and to discuss with others, through presentations in the form of workshops, oral presentations, round tables and posters. By means of a political forum, a discussion among different politicians and decision-makers will shed light on the contributions and action plans of their sectors. Additionally, a unique forum for NGOs and NPOs will allow delegates to come to know non-governmental and non-profit organizations active in environmental education, from Canada and beyond. Finally, a series of symposia animated by invited panelists will address specific themes and issues of interest to all.

A variety of parallel activities, special events and educational tours as well as an exhibition fair will also be part of this extensive program, offering all delegates the chance to interact with others working in this essential field.
