The 5th World Environmental Education Congress gave nearly 2,200 stakeholders from 106 different countries the opportunity to join forces in exploring new ways by which we can better live together in our schools and institutions, our neighbourhoods and businesses, our cities, towns and regions, in short, on Earth, our common home. It was a journey of discovery that allowed them to share knowledge on best practices, chart new and promising paths for political action and celebrate the plethora of approaches to environmental education. Indeed, to many, the richness and diversity of the presentations were among the defining features of this event!
As well as a place for sharing expertise, the Congress was also an opportunity for numerous organizations to consolidate the bonds of partnership. The involvement of more than 200 players from the field of environmental education in the organization of this event served to build and strengthen EE networks, including in Quebec.
In the Congress reports section of this site, various syntheses and wrap-up reports will be gradually posted as they become available: a general Congress wrap-up report, the responses to the three cross-cutting questions of the Congress as presented during the closing session on May 13, the eco-responsibility report, the various activity reports (thematic niches, symposiums, political forum, NGO forum and parallel activities) and a press review.
We would like to sincerely thank all of the Congress organizers and participants for helping to make this event such a resounding success!
The Board of Directors